Short AWS Notes

Mehmet Cambaz
1 min readJun 24, 2021

EC2: these are virtual machines you can leverage
- Instance types: check out for details
- Costs: spot instance (it can be taken by another bid) < reserved instance (planned to use) < on-demand (when needed)

- Unlimited object storage, versioning, encryption with different methods, you can even host single landing pages and use CORS
- Create your custom security policies: policy generator

EBS: this is block storage
- io2/io1 (high performance high cost, nosql dbs etc.)
- gp3/gp2 (medium performance reasonable cost)

Elastic Load Balancing: Assists you to session stickiness, handle auto scaled traffic to right instance

CloudWatch: Monitoring cloud assets and assists with Auto Scaling policies to scale up or down

CloudTrail: Audit logs

ElastiCache: Redis or Memcached

CloudFront: Content-Delivery-Network

CloudFormation: Automate your infrastructure requirements

Lambda: Execute your functions on-demand with serverless architecture

Aurora: Relational database managed by AWS, scales automatically

RDS: Database PaaS, supports Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server

DynamoDB: Managed NoSQL database

